2025 Club Calendar

Monday 3rd March
Image Critiques > People/Portrait or Scapes
with Chrissie Robinson

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments



Monday 17th March
Photography and The Simple Art of Visual Storytelling
With Giulio Saggin


Giulio Saggin began his career as a news photographer in 1989.
In 1992 he headed off for Scotland on a one-way ticket with the intention of finding fame and fortune as a freelance photographer. At the start of 1998 he packed up his life in Scotland and hitchhiked all the way around Australia photographing everyone who gave him a lift and writing about each hitch.
He returned to Brisbane in 1989 and worked as a freelance photographer, before joining ABC News Online in 2007 as their inaugural photo editor. In 2016 Giulio left the media.
He has published three books and held several photographic exhibitions.

Photography & The Simple Art of Visual Story Telling

Part 1:
Using images, Giulio willl show how photos and stories are structured the same as the stories we write and tell, using the same techniques. He will translate photography into a universal language we can all understand ie. story telling, using lots of visual example.
This presentation is based on a course he gave to ABC reporters and journalism students when he was the photo editor with ABC News Online.

Part 2:
Just as in life, not everything goes to plan when taking photos and Giulio will use his photos as a backdrop while explaining the interesting and funny stories behind how they came about.

Date Monday 17th March
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00, includes light refreshments


Saturday - 22nd March
Street Photography Workshop
With Peter Mitchelson and Elayne Geltch

Available to Financial members of Redlands Camera Club
The workshop will commence at the library, after 10.30am the group will go out onto the street to do some exercises untill we break for lunch. After lunch there will be some more street photography & walking around for another couple of hours.

Keep gear light and easy to manage. Cut down on the size of bags as we'll be doing a fair bit of walking.

Brisbane Square Library
Arrive at the front door on the casino side

Time Start 8.45am
Bring - Your Camera and Lens
  - Suggest a zoom focal lens range around 24-70mm.
  - Fully Charged Batteries and Clean Memory Card
- Water, Snacks, walking shoes, hat, appropriate clothing for weather on the day



Monday 7th April
Image Critiques > This is Australia
with Keith Seidel

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments


Monday 14th April

Date Monday 14th April
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00, includes light refreshments

Past Events

Monday 17th February
Master Series Presentation
With John Swainston


John Swainston, is a former President of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) and the Photo Imaging Council of Australia (PICA). A former MD of Nikon in Australia for 23 years, and an international executive for Lowepro over a decade, John has spoken to camera clubs around Australia for more than forty years, has judged and has exhibited in Sydney, Melbourne and the Southern Highlands.

His work is in a number of private collections. He is a past Advisory Board member of the HeadOn Photo Festival and is a former deputy-chair of the Australian Centre for Photography, based in Sydney, now part of the Powerhouse.


When the NSW lockdown edict was passed in law on March 28th, 2020, John and his wife were moving house from Sydney to the NSW Southern Highlands. With a long association with photo-journalism, he decided to record the City of Sydney; without its people, its traffic, its reason for being. The project expanded into a 2.5-year documentary effort; Sydney-the-place and then its re-emerging people.

The result was a book, Sydney Locked Down, published in October 2022. It turned out to be the only publication of its type on Sydney! It stands as a unique photographic record of a dark period in Australian life.

In this one-hour talk he details the planning, legal obstacles, learnings, the technical execution required and things he might have done differently. He'll show some images from the 150-page book, the gear used, the planning documents. The book will be available for purchase on the night


In the second half of the evening, John will talk about an altogether more complex documentary project, the photography of over 60 English, Welsh and French cathedrals. It's for an upcoming book due out this year.

The work, made since 2016, builds to a detailed historic story of Cathedrals - from the Norman Conquest to the present day. In rich geometries, the talk illustrates the interiors and architectural features of some of the most awe-inspiring spaces of worship across a thousand years. The talk concludes with an audio-visual of all the Anglican cathedrals in England & Wales.

Date Monday 17th February
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Trybooking $5.00, includes light refreshments / No entry without a registration

Saturday - 15th February
Flash Photography Workshop
With Steven Fraser AAPS

Available to Financial members of Redlands Camera Club
Steven will begin the first half of the workshop with a theory overview of what camera flash is all about. He will then show a small set of his images, where on-camera flash has been used.

The second half of the activity will be a practical session; where participants will put some of the theory into practice.
The training is an intro course and the detailed use of multiple flashes, wireless flash, studio strobes, etc is not the goal.

There will be some experienced club members to assist attendees.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time Start 1.30pm
Time Finish 4.30pm
Bring - Your Camera, Lens and Flash / Speedlight Unit
  - Fully Charged Batteries and Clean Memory Card
  - Your Camera Manual and your Flash Manual
  - Bring some simple objects to use as your subject/s of your flash photography
e.g. a small vase with some cut flowers, simple still life items, jewellery etc..

Monday 3rd February
Image Critiques > Open Colour or Street Photography
with Glenn Rossiter

Glenn Rossiter is a retired senior teacher with 38 years of experience in teaching Physics and Mathematics in Queensland high schools. With expertise in Windows computing systems, both software and hardware, Glenn has seamlessly transitioned into the world of digital photography and image editing, specialising in Photoshop.

Currently using Sony Digital SLT Camera systems, Glenn has a keen interest in producing travel photography-based digital audio-visuals, using the latest PTE-AV-Studio 11-Pro software.
This passion for photography extends to a variety of pursuits, including photo travel, macro-nature, sports action, landscapes, and altered reality, as well as creative and contemporary photography.

On this evening, Glenn will offer insightful critiques of photos submitted by members in Open Colour and Street Photography topics, helping photographers enhance their skills and creativity.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments
Monday 20th January


I am based in Australia but my job has taken me to the boiling hot desert
of Nevada, the freezing cold black sand beaches of Iceland, the busy streets of London, the tallest buildings in Manhattan, and the
breathtaking cliffs of Yosemite.
I love exploring to find incredible places to shoot and I seem to have a super-human fearlessness when armed with my camera!

I am a Natural Light photographer and chase the sun…

Over the course of my career, I have shot in both easy and difficult
locations and conditions. I consider myself extremely versatile and always work with what I have in front of me. I have a journalistic and editorial
approach, capturing detail and emotions.

I absolutely LOVE confetti, I rock a mohawk, and am a sucker for
alllll things sequinned!

On this everning I will share my story, my work and provide some insights into photography and content creation to help you on your own journey! Come and join us, I can’t wait to meet you!


Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Trybooking $4.00, includes light refreshments

Monday 2nd December
End of Year Celebration & Awards

This evening, we recognise and celebrate the remarkable achievements and invaluable contributions made by the dedicated members of the Redlands Camera Club. In addition to honouring our members, we'll be announcing and awarding the results of our Image Critique competition for each grade in both print and digital formats—showcasing the talent and creativity within our club. We look forward to sharing this special occasion with you!
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Bring A Plate of food to share

Wednesday 27th November
Master Series Presentation
Street Photography
With Adrian Whear


Join Adrian Whear, documentary and street photographer from Melbourne who will share his philosphies and approaches to street photography when walking the streets of Melbourne and further afield. Adrian’s tips are designed to help sharpen your visualisation and storytelling skills when embarking into the world of street photography!

Adrian has attained the honour of APSEM from the Australian Photographic Society, awarded both FIAP and PSA gold medals, and been a finalist in street photography competitions in Gothenburg and Autralia. Adrian's works has been exhibted in Australia, Sweden, Slovenia, Vietnam, Croatia, United Kingdoma and Bangladesh. Come along to join us for a terrific evening of Street Photography!

Come join us and immerse yourself in the artistry of Adrian's streets and clever imagery!

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Trybooking $5.00, includes light refreshments
Sunday 10th November
APS Honours and Distinctions Group
Hosted by Paul Balfe AFIAP FAPS


Monday 4th November
Image Critiques > Portfolios of 5 Themed Images
with Lisa Kurtz

Introducing Lisa Kurtz
Bachelor of Photography, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University.

Lisa is a Brisbane-based photographer, whose work explores concepts of memory, place and time.

Lisa’s most recent exhibition was 'Porous' exhibited at firstdraft Gallery - Woolloomooloo, NSW. Other recent exhibitions include a commission by Outer Space for Location, Location, Location, on the façade of the Judith Wright Art Centre in Meanjin | Brisbane. Lisa has been a finalist in the Percival Photographic Portrait Prize, Clayton Utz Art Awards, Head On Photo Awards, Olive Cotton Award for Photographic Portraiture, and the CLIP, Milburn and Lethbridge Landscape Prizes.

Lisa teaches Contemporary Photomedia at CQU and has a passion for encouraging photographers to be open to new ideas about the medium.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments

Tuesday 29th October
Day Outing > Bellthorpe

See Club Email for Details
Date Tuesday 29th October
Time From 8am

Monday 21st October
How to get the best out of your Landscape Photography


Come join John on this evening and learn about the joy of taking the landscape photo then how to improve it in post processing.
Introducing > John Doody M.App.Sc, Dip.Ed. AAPS, AFIAP, CAPS/b

John Doody is a photographic artist living in Brisbane, Australia. From a very early age John was introduced to and educated in the techniques of photography by his father, a keen amateur photographer. The love of photography has endured throughout his life. In the 1980’s John focused on black and white film photography and the processing of images in the darkroom. Since that time digital colour photography has improved to such an extent that it is now his preferred medium. The possibilities with digital postprocessing allow for an enormous range in artistic expression.

John’s photographic interests cover a wide range of subjects but in the main they are centred around two main themes. One of these themes is conventional landscape photography and the second is digital art that is derived from this landscape photography. In presenting a landscape image John aims is to give the viewer the feeling that they could step into the scene and thus experience the sense of what it was like to be at that place at that time. In John’s digital art the aim is to more acutely focus the message that the landscape carries. The digital art sometimes uses sophisticated post-processing skills and techniques to allow the image to speak its message. Themes of our connection to the land and our effect on the land are important in John’s work, especially the effects of climate change.

John’s influences are many and varied. They range from the family connection to photography through his great-grandfather Christopher Roggenkamp, who migrated from Germany in 1863 and set up a photographic business in Warwick, in rural Queensland, down to his late father, to the great monochrome photographers of the twentieth century such as Ansel Adams, Brett Weston and Henri Cartier Bresson; to modern day photographers and digital artists including John Paul Caponigro and Australian landscape photographers Peter Dombrovskis, Peter Eastway, Christian Fletcher, and Murray Fredricks.

John is heavily involved in Queensland’s photographic community. He is a registered photography judge with the Queensland Photographic Society and is regularly invited to judge Australian and international photographic competitions. His background as a physicist has meant the John is in high demand to give presentations on the science behind the art of photography and has lectured on subjects as diverse as “The Art of Photography, Astrophotography, printing techniques and colour management. He is an internationally awarded photographer, a member of the Australian Photographic Society through which he has attained his AAPS and his AFIAP (Artiste FIAP) through the FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL DE L’ART PHOROGRAPHIQUE. He has most and recently obtained his Bronze level (CAPS/b) in the Conceptual Art Portfolio Awards through the Australian Photographic Society.

John has staged three exhibitions of his work. The first exhibition “A Legacy of Light – Five Generations of Photographers 1863 – 2012” was initially staged at the Warwick art gallery in 2012 and then various galleries throughout Queensland in 2013 and 2014. This was a family exhibition covering family history as well as the art of photography. The second exhibition of his work in 2021 was entitled "Layers in the Land - An Exploration of the Landscape image from Interpreted Reality to Abstraction". Most recently in April 2022 John has completed his third exhibition "PALYA - Reflections on Landscape and Place". The two most recent exhibitions were held at the Richard Randall Art Studio at the Brisbane Botanical gardens. John intends to continue to expand his repertoire and to refine his digital art skills. Images from the exhibitions can be seen in the portfolios in this website.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments
Sunday 13th October
APS Honours and Distinctions Group
Hosted by Paul Balfe AFIAP FAPS


Monday 7th October
Image Critiques > Flatlay or Photo Travel
with Paul Tilley FAPS

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments

Monday 16th September
The magical art of storytelling composites
With Hayley Roberts

Join Hayley to learn the magical art of storytelling composites.
First you'll hear about Hayley's own journey of becoming a storytelling composite artist and then we'll go behind the scenes of how to come up with ideas, source needed items and photograph your concept in a way that makes your photos easier to composite together in Photoshop!

Introducing > Hayley Roberts

I've always searched for magic on the fringes of reality - a fairy in my backyard, a world in a wardrobe, a genie in a lamp.
And I finally found it with Photoshop along with the creativity I desperately craved but never believed I had.

Three months into learning Photoshop compositing I created an artwork that won several local awards, in month 4 I was a finalist in esteemed national awards, in month 5 I created my best-selling print, and within a year I had my own solo exhibition.

Since then I make 5 figures a year selling my storytelling composite artworks that I created using myself as a model, inexpensive gear, cheap accessories and my own library of photos. Now I'm sharing my secrets so you too can create this beloved and popular style of photographic art and experience the magic it invokes.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments

Monday 2nd September
Image Critiques > Minimalism and Star Trails
with Lyn Romano

Introducing > Lyn Romano
"Born and raised in Southern Africa, I enjoy art in many forms and techniques. Always eager to learn something new in the art form my choice of career veered towards design and photography over the years. Through the lens of my camera, I found my niche talent in the form of mood photography captivating images of body and mind within the exposed and natural human figure.

I began judging for PSSA (photographic Society of South Africa), but found it difficult to pursue with the dangers of night driving. I re-entered this circle with PSQ and enjoy artistic reality/creative photography. I embrace life with gusto and one of my favourite sayings is; "Which of my photographs is my favourite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow” – Imogen Cunningham.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments

Monday 19th August
with Sue Gordon


We're very pleased to welcome Sue Gordon back to Redlands Camera Club!

"Creative pursuits has always been a part of my life, whether practical or purely for my own pleasure. Photography was an interest as a teenager, but was put aside for many years in the midst of life, motherhood, work etc. It was the empty nest that led me to again pick up a camera. There the journey really began, with camera club, a diploma, international competition and much learning and growth.

Fast forward to 2022, where I find my focus moving forward on exploring photography as art, combining techniques learned in other artforms such as papermaking and encaustics, and exploring alternative and traditional practices.

My interest is in exhibitions, teaching what I have learned along the way and continuing to learn as my interest is drawn."

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments

Saturday - 10th August
Photography Training Day in Collaboration with Brisbane Camera Group
: The Basics and Some More
With Steven Fraser AAPS



Monday 5th August
Image Critiques > People / Portrait or Juxtaposition
with Margaret O'Grady

Introducing > Margaret O'Grady EFIAP/s GMAPS Hon FAPS

"I'm a passionate amateur photographer who lives in South East Queensland. I've been interested in photography for most of my life and joined the Ipswich Photographic Society in 2004 after completing a short photography course at TAFE. I am an active member of the Australian Photographic Society and held the position of President from 2020 to 2022.
I have extensive experience in judging a wide range of topics in club, National and International Exhibitions. I enjoy all types of judging and love to appreciate other photographer’s images.

I compete in National and International competitions on a regular basis and have earned my EFIAP/s and GMAPS honours.
I particularly enjoy outdoor photography including sport and wildlife. I was contracted to join the team photogr
aphing the Asia Pacific Master Games on the Gold Coast, Australia in 2010, 2012,2014 and 2016."

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments
Saturday 27th July
LIVE JUDGING > River City Interclub Print Competition
River City Print Interclub > Celebrating the Printed Image!
River City Print Interclub Competition is an annual interclub competition between Qld Camera Clubs hosted in 2024 by the Redlands Camera Club.
You are invited to watch the impact judging of some of the finest prints from camera clubs across Queensland to find the best prints in the state!

Each club has submitted four entries in five topic catergories:
- Open Colour
- Open Black and White
- Open Animals
- Portrait
- Open Non A Grade

Date Saturday 27th July
Time 1.45pm for a 2pm Start / Finish 5pm
Entry Cost $10.00 includes light refreshments and Door prizes
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 47-49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Parking -There is ample parking in the car park
-Please only park in the front car park. No parking past the turning circle and no parking on the grass.
-Attendees may be dropped off at the front door in case of rain or Handicapped.
Contact Pia Jessen, President, Redlands Camera Club president@redlandscameraclub.org.au


Monday 15th July
with Mel Sinclair BVIS DIP.FINEART


To Mel, it's not just about capturing a scene, but about immersing herself in the moment, breathing in the fresh air and truly connecting with the beauty of nature. We feel so fortunate to have Mel Sinclair speak to us this evening about scapes and sharing her tips and techniques.

Introducing Mel Sinclair
Landscape Photography is my Zen, my passion. I love nothing more than time with my camera and a moody, ephemeral scene to capture and translate into something magical.

My visual career began with undertaking University study in the Fine Arts, and in turn, I have had a lot of exposure to different disciplines within the creative industries. This creative training has allowed me to develop my attitudes and styles within Contemporary and Traditional Fine Art Photography. This is a lot of words to say that I love both a traditional landscape and what I'm discovering to be my style - a mix of both. I'm really enjoying exploring Queenslands' regional areas for new and never-before seen content. Less about the destination, more of the journey.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments
    Saturday 13th July
River City Print Collation and Trial Judging
- Applicable only to existing APS Honours Group members who are on the email chain, those who volunteered for specific roles/duties.
Refer to email communication for meet time.
    INVITATION to Qld Camera Clubs and Societies
Redlands Camera is hosting the 2024 River City Interclub Print Competition and we invite all Qld Camera Clubs to enter the competition which celebrates the printed image!
    Register your Intention
To assist us with planning this event, it would be appreciated if you would:
1 - Indicate by the end of March whether your club is intending to enter the competition
2 - Inform us of your preferred contact within your club
3 - Advise which Membership category your club fits into > 25 or fewer / 26 to 45 / Greater than 45
    Each club will submit a total of 20 prints, consisting of 4 prints in each of 5 topics.
The Topics are:
- OPEN Colour
- OPEN Black and White
- OPEN Animals
- Portrait
- OPEN Non A Grade
    Entries open Monday 3rd June
Entries close Saturday 6th July
The judging will take place on Saturday 27th July from 2pm to 5 pm at The Trinity Church, 47-49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
    Assistance for clubs outside South-East Queensland
To encourage entries from clubs outside of South-East Queensland, Redlands Camera Club would like to offer these clubs assistance with printing and matting, where accessing those services may be challenging. Details on how to apply are in the rules document.
    Competition Correspondence
In the first instance could you please direct all correspondence or questions regarding the competition to Pia Jessen unless otherwise stated:

Pia Jessen, President, Redlands Camera Club president@redlandscameraclub.org.au
    River City Print Interclub > Celebrating the Printed Image!
    For all competition details and rules, visit:


Monday 1st July
Image Critiques > Scapes

with Keith Seidel EFIAP/b GMAPS
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $4.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments


Monday 17th June
Theming A Small Group of Photos
with Lisa Kurtz


On this evening we are very honoured to hear from Lisa Kurtz on the topic of building a small group of themed photos.
Lisa will suggest some key things to consider to ensure your display is visually appealing and cohesive when theming a small group of photos. By keeping these factors in mind and putting thought into selection and presentation of your themed photos, you can create a compelling display that captures the essence of your chosen theme.

Introducing Lisa Kurtz
Bachelor of Photography, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University.

Lisa is a Brisbane-based photographer, whose work explores concepts of memory, place and time.

Lisa’s current exhibition 'Porous' is being exhibited from 31 May to 14 July at firstdraft Gallery - Woolloomooloo, NSW. Her recent exhibitions include a commission by Outer Space for Location, Location, Location, on the façade of the Judith Wright Art Centre in Meanjin | Brisbane. Lisa has been a finalist in the Percival Photographic Portrait Prize, Clayton Utz Art Awards, Head On Photo Awards, Olive Cotton Award for Photographic Portraiture, and the CLIP, Milburn and Lethbridge Landscape Prizes.

Lisa teaches Contemporary Photomedia at CQU and has a passion for encouraging photographers to be open to new ideas about the medium.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door (card or coin), includes light refreshments

Sunday 9th June
APS Honours and Distinctions Group
This is not a typical meeting, Existing Honours Group members only > are invited to come along to assist in selecting the short list for the Redlands Camera Club River City Print Interclub. Group members are invited to bring photos for potential selection only. Member Image feedback will not be a priorty on this occastion.



Monday - 3rd June
It's a Knockout! Fun Night!

It's a Knockout

Two DIGITAL images are shown against each other in a random order.
The room votes > a show of hands count is taken and the image with the highest number of
votes goes through to the next round. The other, well .. it's Knocked Out!

The next two images are shown, get voted on and one image goes through to the
next round and the other is Knocked Out, this continues.

When the preliminary round is finished the images with the most votes go through to the second round to go head to head again. This process continues until the ultimate winner is revealed for each grade > A Grade / AB Grade / B Grade.

The night is casual, enjoying our images and having a bit of fun!


A club email has been sent to members for details on how to participate.

This evening is NOT related to Image Critiques HOWEVER each member who submits a photo into 'It's a Knockout' will receive 2 points toward their Image Critique points as extra incentive.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Monday 20th May
An Evening with William Long



Step into the captivating world of photography with 'An Evening with William Long'!

Join us for an exclusive presentation by acclaimed photographer William Long. Discover the highlights, challenges and behind-the-scenes stories of his illustrious career through the lens. Be ready to be inspired by artistry and vision of one of the industry's masters of photography. Don't miss this unique opportunity, see you there!
Introducing William Long

Australian Photographer, Speaker and Educator, William Long is regarded as one of Australia’s most awarded photographers. Receiving numerous major photographic prizes and honours both nationally and internationally, including his “Sixth Gold Bar / AIPP Master of Photography”, his “Australian Commercial Photographer of the Year”, “Australian Illustrative Photographer of the Year”, “ Queensland Professional Photographer of the Year” and “British Portrait Photographer of the Year”. William received recognition for his excellence in Photography with a Fellowship by the British Institute of Professional Photography (BIPP) and then again with his Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS). For services to the worldwide photographic industry William has been awarded Honorary Life memberships of AIPP, BIPP and PPAQ.

Born in Rochford Essex, William trained as a professional classical ballet dancer from the tender age of 6 and by his thirties was touring the worlds stage as a principal dancer with a major classical ballet company, The Scottish Ballet. It was William’s disciplined lifestyle combined with his ability to clearly understand composition, emotion and his gift for bringing a story to life, that saw him easily build on his other passion of Photography after a crippling back injury suddenly brought his ballet profession to an end. His innovative collection of work now, not only encompasses the technical diversity of dance, but has seen him build on this to establish himself as a well accomplished artist in all photographic genres.

As a result of William’s extraordinary skill, attention to detail and talent for creating consistently astounding imagery, his multifaceted photography career has seen him not only granted Commercial, Illustrative and Portrait photographer of the year several times over but has also seen him regarded as a top 5 UK Dance photographer and a top 5 Australian Architectural photographer, (re Capture Magazine).
Williams illustrious career has spanned almost 5 decades and has seen him rise to the pinnacle of the industry, gracing the pages of hundreds of publications internationally including THE NEW YORK TIMES, SOUTH CHINA NEWS and TIME magazine.

As an internationally recognised speaker, William has spoken professionally all over the world for the past 25 years and continues to use his talent to educate, guide and inspire other photographers at every level both locally and worldwide though his mentoring programs, workshops and online groups.
William has been a Member of AIPP, ACMP, RPS, BIPP, and the United Nations International Photographic Council.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Monday 6th May
Image Critiques > Black and White or After Dark
With Craig Parker EFIAP/g APSEM/b GMPSA


Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 15th April
Printing Photographs with Len Metcalf

Print Demonstration, Sample Print and Special Offers
from sponsors Canon and CameraPro

Celebrating the Printed Image!
Join us for an exclusive evening dedicated to the art of photographic printing.

But that's not all! As a special treat, bring along your own .jpg file and receive a free sample print made on the spot by the Canon team. Experience firsthand the exceptional clarity and detail the Canon Pro 200 printer can deliver, and take home a tangible memento of your work. You'll also have all the latest mirrorless camera's and RF lenses to try!

Don't miss this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of photographic printing and unleash the full potential of your artistry. Doors open at 6.00pm.

We're very pleased to present Len Metcalfe who will discuss colour management and his method printing photographs. He focuses on keeping printing easy for consistent results. Len prefers to keep this complex topic simple as possible.
He discusses monitors, calibration, inkjet printers, profiles and papers. Len also introduces the different ways you can get prints made for you. From going down to the local print shop, through professional services and the boutique ones you don’t hear about. He helps make printing easy and accessible for all levels in a photographic community. From beginner to expert this talk, whilst technical has something for everyone.
Introducing Len Metcalf
Len’s journey towards photographic education began long ago, with the gift of his first camera as a young boy in the Blue Mountains, and his first teaching experience in a local Scout troupe at fifteen years old. After graduating from High School, Len took a job as an outdoor educator in Kangaroo Valley to support himself through a Visual Arts degree, majoring in Photography. This was the beginning of a lifelong quest to combine his passions for adventure, education and photography.

While studying Fine Art, Len had the opportunity to learn from fine teachers such as George Schwartz, Eardly Lancaster Julie Brown-Rrap and Lynn Roberts Goodwin at the City Art Institute (now Faculty of Fine Arts at NSW University).

He graduated with straight distinctions and received the coveted award for ‘Most Outstanding Advanced Colour Photographer’. Turning down two corporate photography sponsorship offers, Len instead pursued a career in education and outdoor adventure. Photography became his unbridled passion and his escape from work.

We look forward to a wonderful evening of photography and printing!

All of the latest Mirrorless Camera's and RF Lenses for you to try!
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 47-49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Bring ONE single .jpg on a USB stick (ensure there's just one image on the stick please)
Time 6.00pm Canon Printing / CameraPro Special offers
  7.00pm Presentation
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Sunday - 14th April
APS Honours and Distinctions Group
Hosted by Pia Jessen EFIAP/g APSEM SAPS


Monday - 1st April
Image Critiques > Animals
With Tina Dial EFIAP/g APSEM


Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Saturday 23rd March
Model Photoshoot at Ormiston House

Details in Club EMAIL

Date Saturday 23rd March
Time 8.30am
Details Refer to Club email

Monday - 18th March
LIGHT PAINTING > Practical Night


Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments
Bring Your Camera, Lens and Tripod

Sunday - 10th March
APS Honours and Distinctions Group



Saturday - 9th March
Photography Training Day : The Basics and Some More
With Steven Fraser AAPS


This workshop is fully booked


Monday - 4th March
Image Critiques > This is Redlands
With Greg Sullavan


Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Monday - 19th February
Craig Parker

Subject : Background : Lighting
"Camera's take photo's, photographers Create Images"
Craig will discuss the act of using prompts / questions to deliberately design and purposefully generate a photo. He will talk through the methodology he uses in his own photography with a view to assist members in their quest for creating the images they envisage in their mind before pressing the shutter.
Introducing Craig Parker
Craig’s interest in photography became more serious when he joined a local Camera Club in 2008 to learn and improve his photography. He began entering Australian National Salons in 2009 and International Salons in 2010.

A member of Australian Photographic Society since 2009 Craig has achieved the skill-based honours of APSEM/b and EFIAP/g through the exhibition system. As a member of the Photographic Society of America Craig has gained the honour of Grand Master (GMPSA) in 2023 and the Bronze Portfolio Honour (BPSA) in 2018.

Craig enjoys traveling specifically for Nature photography with trips to Antarctica in 2010 and 2011, Svalbard in the Arctic in 2013 for Polar Bears and month-long wildlife photography trips to South Africa in 2015 and 2018. Craig regularly judges at Club, National and International levels.


Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Sunday - 11th February
APS Honours and Distinctions Group


Monday - 5th February
Image Critiques > This is Australia


Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Monday - 15th January
Eric Victor >
Fifty years of Professional Photography



We are thrilled to to invite members for the first presentation of the year featuring our esteemed guest speaker, Eric Victor.

Eric will talk about the advertising industry and his involvement as a photographer.
His studio Momentum was a premium space in Brisbane and was involved in the production of many great images of the period.
He will also respond to questions about what made him choose this kind of work. The "what and how" journey that grew to fulfill a great professional life. And, of course, the question "who" gave him inspiration and encouragement.

This presentation promises to be both informative and engaging, providing valuable knowledge and inspiration to attendees!


Introducing Eric Victor
Eric has been a key player in the photographic industry in the last 30 years in Brisbane. He ran a large commercial and advertising studio called Momentum, giving many the opportunity to start their own business and their passion in the industry.

He was the Queensland President of the AIPP (Australian Institute of Professional Photography) before becoming National President in 2000. Head of Ethics and director for the mentoring program was also some of his involvement with the association.

The mentoring program cared for over 400 young photographers over a period of 7 years.
He was the ambassador for major European brands such as Broncolor, Sinar and Rollei. He lectured across South East Asia and ended up as the importer of Broncolor in Australia.

Eric is currently volunteering with the Queensland Center for Photography based at Maud gallery, Newstead. The center runs photographic workshops and exhibitions and the 2024 program is being finalised. The first show, on February 17th, will be an exhibition of alternate processing, called "Evolving" organised by the Fine Monochrome Print Group.
A salt print (Talbot type) workshop on the 24th of February will be run in the analogue darkroom of the center by Joachim Froese."

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Monday - 1st January
Outing > First Sunrise of 2024 > All Welcome!

Time 4.30am
Where Meet at Wellington Point Reserve (Near Jetty)
Bring Camera / Wide Angle Lens / Tripod / Remote or Cable Release
  Thermos with Coffee/tea and snacks to share afterward (optional).


Monday - 11th December
Photoshoot > Ballet on the Beach
With Greg Sullavan

See Club Email for details


Monday - 4th December
End of Year Party!
Image Critique Award Presentation > A / AB / B Grades,
Trophy Awards, Hunt and Shoot Results!


Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Bring Bring a plate of food to share
Entry No entry fee


Monday - 20th November
Removing distractions in Lightroom and Photoshop
With Zoe McGrath

Ekka : First Place Open Digital


Introducing Zoe McGrath

  • Award Winning Dog Photographer with a passion for capturing beautiful dog portraits.
  • Proud Member of the Queensland Camera Group.
  • Excited to share insights on refining your photos.

We'll Explore

  • Identifying Distractions: Spot and assess different types of distractions.
  • In-Camera Solutions: Tips for getting that clean shot straight out of camera.
  • Post-Processing Magic: Simple tricks with Lightroom and Photoshop to modify distractions.

Your Takeaways

  • Train your eyes to catch the sneaky distractions that can be fixed.
  • Learn some basic tricks I use out on location, plus a deep dive into post-editing finesse.
  • Leave buzzing with ideas to experiment with on your next photo adventure!
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Sunday 12th November
APS Honours and Distinctions Group
Hosted by Pia Jessen


Monday 6th November
Image Critiques > Tee Shirt / Calendar
With Lisa Kurtz and Pia Jessen EFIAP/g APSEM SAPS


This year members had the choice of making a calendar or printing a tee shirt. We're looking forward to seeing everyone's creations!


Lisa Kurtz

Bachelor of Photography, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University.

Lisa is a Brisbane-based photographer, whose work explores concepts of memory, place and time.

Lisa has been a finalist in the Clayton Utz Art Awards, Head On Photo Awards, Olive Cotton Award for Photographic Portraiture, and the Milburn and Lethbridge Landscape Prizes.

Lisa teaches Contemporary Photomedia at
CQU and has a passion for encouraging photographers to be open to new ideas about the medium.



Working as a bank branch manager
and fraud investigator Pia transitioned into graphic design and multimedia in 1999.
Her passion for photography began as an extension of her work which blossomed when she joined the Redlands Camera Club in 2008.

Pia has earned high distinctions and recognition in International Photographic Exhibitions worldwide and has had her work exhibited locally and internationally.

Pia regularly judges National and International Salons enjoying all genres of photography and is particularly passionate about adventure travel, People and Nature photography.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Friday - 3rd November
Nocturnal Photowalk


Refer to Club email for details.



'The Way We See' Print Exhibition by Redlands Camera Club

THE WAY WE SEE Photographic Exhibition
Proudly presented by the Redlands Camera Club
Curator Pia Jessen

The new 2023 photographic exhibition showcases our point of view through the eyes of Redlands Camera Club photographic artists in the form of a series of themed displays.

The Australian Portrait exhibit features images of twenty one Australians that tell fascinating stories about their lives past or present.
Ian Hutton shows some of Australia’s Small Towns at Night when the main streets of most small towns are empty of people and moving vehicles. Leanne Stonehouse presents the polished glamour of the tourist trail alongside alternative realities of everyday Parisian life. Charlotte Carter showcases her one-time home of New Zealand where she embarked on journeys of exploration and Leighton Brayshaw investigates the coastal wetlands and mudflats of the Redlands Coast area. Dennis Hughes' digital compilation displays images from Redlands Camera Club members.

Come along to view this delightful series of themed exhibits during the month of October at the Dunn Wing Exhibition Area at the Redland Museum.

Open until Monday 31st October
Redland Museum : 60 Smith Street, Cleveland
10am to 3.30pm : Open 7 Days

Adults $10.00
Concession Adult $6.00
Concession Student $6.00 (Must present student ID)
Children FREE

Includes full access into the Redland Museum.
After viewing 'The Way We See' photography exhibition, go inside to view all of the amazing museum exhibits. There is lots to see and even photograph, so take your camera with you!



Sunday - 29th October
Hunt and Shoot > With Sam Fernando AAPS

Date Sunday 29th October
Time 8.00am start until 12.30pm
Cost Nil

Register via Trybooking at www.trybooking.com/1097728



Monday - 16th October
Faunagraphic Wildlife with Matt Wright


This evening we'll hear from Matt of Faunagraphic Wildlife who will give an overview of his wildlife tours, provide wildlife photography tips in relation to Birds, Mammals, Herps, Macro and tools of the trade as well as an introduction to nocturnal photography.

About Matt Wright
"I have been taking photos since 2004 and have always had an interest in wildlife photography and is my sole photography expertise. I've won various awards in competitions such as BirdLife Australia Photography Competition, ANZANG as well as being shortlisted in the latter and also Bird Photographer of the Year.
I've been published in various books from bird special interest and field guides, mammal guides and children's educational books. My business, Faunagraphic has been on television and has been featured on Totally Wild and Scope TV (Channel 10). I am mostly known for my photography work with Australian nocturnal birds, especially owls."

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Sunday - 15th October
APS Honours and Distinctions Group


Image Critiques > Scapes or Panorama - 6.30pm
With Keith Seidel

Exhibition Opening - 6.30pm
Register for Opening Night

'The Way We See' Photographic Exhibition
Proudly presented by the Redlands Camera Club

The 2023 photographic exhibition showcases our point of view through the eyes of our photographic artists in the form of a series of themed displays.

The Australian Portrait exhibit features images of twenty one Australians that tell fascinating stories about their lives past or present. Ian Hutton shows some of Australia's Small Towns at Night when the main streets of most small towns are empty of people and moving vehicles. There are wonderful exhibits from Leanne Stonehouse, Charlotte Carter, and Leighton Brayshaw.

Join us to view this delightful series of themed exhibits during the month of October at the Dunn Wing Exhibition Area at the Redland Museum.

Place Redland Museum, 60 Smith Street Cleveland.
Time 6.15pm for 6.30pm
Entry Registration is required.

Monday - 18th September
Peter Mitchelson > Unauthorised photography in public places


Peter will talk about what the law does or does not say about taking photos in public places. What are public places and when public places are privately owned, and the different scenarios encountered.

An entertaining and informative evening that will help you feel more confident and knowageable about what the law is when you're out in public photographing > essential for street photographers. Come along for an interesting evening, discussion and questions are encouraged.

About Peter Mitchelson
"I brought my first camera in about 1980 it was a Nikon FG. It came with a 50mm lens. I took it everywhere I went even to work. I lived in Cairns then and worked in a ship's chandlery shop which provided equipment for commercial fishing boats and the fishing industry in general.
My day was largely spent on and around the wharves, jetties and slipways of Cairns where the fishing fleet was located. I had my camera with me and just took photos of everything I could. That started my love of photographing the world as it came into view.

I moved to Brisbane some years later. I became more involved in photography clubs. I joined Caboolture Photography Club in about 2008. I ended up on the committee here and then served as President for three years. I am still a current member at Caboolture as well as at Brisbane Camera Group. Along with Elayne, I am involved in the co-ordination of the Street Photography group "Street Seen".
I have photographed in the streets of numerous cities and towns both in Australia and overseas.

I retired last year. I was a police officer for 25 years with the last eight years as a police prosecutor. I now have more time to do the photography I love.
My equipment and techniques may have changed over time but my love of photographing the real world has remained. Many may call it "Street Photography". I just think of it as photography. I love to follow the philosophy of Garry Winogrand and photograph things to see what they look like photographed.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 4th September
Image Critiques > Water in Motion / Nature

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 21st August
Gary Cranitch > Extreme Environment


Join Queensland Museum Photographer Gary Cranitch as we explore Queensland's Extreme environments; from deep under the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, tropical rainforests of the far north and arid deserts of the south-west, Gary has seen and photographed them all.
Gary has worked as a natural history photographer at the Queensland Museum for 40 years.

His work has been published in Australian Geographic, Popular Science(US), New Scientist, National Geographic online and numerous other publications and journals around the world. He has also contributed to the Queensland Museum extensive range of natural history publications.

Gary is an experienced photography judge at both State and National level. He was the Awards Chair for the Australian Professional Photography Awards from 2020 to 2021 and was the captain for Team Australia at the World Photographic Cup in 2021.

"The natural world never ceases to amaze me and I feel privileged to have photographed so many different landscapes and animal species throughout my career."
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 7th August
Image Critiques > This is Redlands

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 17th July
Warren Vievers > Monochrome Conversion Presentation


REMEMBER there is no - one - single conversion method to monochrome that will give optimum results with every image. Tonight I will present on the topic of 'Exploring Monochrome', as well as demonstrate a number of different ways to convert images from colour.

Photographic Biography
My photographic interest has lasted longer than most, having begun in 1959 while I was still attending high school. A friend and I discovered the miracle of darkroom photography and, for me, the excitement has never really gone away.
Today, I shoot digital but still venture into the darkroom from time to time, particularly to explore toning and some alternative processes. Favourite subjects are landscape, street photography and sometimes nature or wildlife. Lately, I've enjoyed using digital technology to reproduce some of the less common darkroom processes such as solarisation.

Before retiring in 1998 I was Principal of Primary Schools at Gunpowder, Mingela, Yuleba, Cardwell, Mt Cotton, Carina and Richlands East although I always maintained an interest in photography. I was involved fairly heavily in camera club activities including taking on various roles over the years. I began competing in national and international photographic exhibitions during the 1980's. Since 1987 I've judged at club, interclub, national and international levels, delivered lectures and conducted workshops on various photographic topics.

Since Retirement I continued my involvement in photography, joining the Australian Photographic Society in 2000 and occasional competition in international exhibitions, gaining various photographic honours.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Richard Tatti has been photographing the night sky and landscape for many years.

He began as a teenager with nothing more than a pair of binoculars and his mother's old film camera. In more recent years he has re-connected his love of the night sky with modern camera technology.

Under the banner of Nightscape images he has held exhibitions and displays in various Australian towns for the past 10 years. He's also connected with a number of camera clubs and groups outside of Australia and participates in regular meetings discussing his method and technique for capturing milky way and nightscape photographs.

Richard's unique portfolio explores the mystery and wonder of the night sky and landscape after dark. Often this includes light painting to expand the artistic side of his photography.
Much of Richard's understanding of light stems from his 25 years experience in professional photography and videography covering many genres. The challenge has been to adapt these principles to night landscape photography .. . not easy, but very rewarding work.

Richard has been producing video content on youtube under the banner of Nightscape Images for many years and his content there is both engaging and inspiring. This has brought his unique style and content to an international audience which has led to many speaking engagements right across the globe.

Nightscape Images hold night photography workshops in Central Victoria on a regular basis. People come from all over the country to learn and put into practice the techniques necessary to master this much sought after and inspirational genre of photography.

Richard is passionate about what he does and loves to share his knowledge with anyone who is keen to learn and be inspired. His unique style and ability to explain complex principles in a simple way makes him a sought after speaker at various events and gatherings around the country.

Come along this evening for some fascinating insights into the amazing night sky and Richard's beautiful imagery!

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm
Entry $5.00 includes light refreshments
NO ENTRY without a Trybooking registration.
Registration closes at 3pm on Monday 10th July.

Monday - 3rd July
It's a Knockout! Fun Night!
What is 'It's a Knockout'?
Two DIGITAL images are shown up against each other in a random order.
The room votes, a show of hands count is taken and the image with the highest number of
votes goes through to the next round. The other, well .. it's Knocked Out!

The next two images are shown, get voted upon and one image either goes through to the
next round and the other is Knocked Out, this continues.

When the preliminary round is finalised the images with the most votes go through to the second round to go head to head again (Just like a round robin).
This process continues until the ultimate winner is revealed.

The night is casual, enjoying our images, having a bit of fun!

Refer to club email for details on how to participate.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Sunday - 25th June
The Exposure Triangle > Workshop
With Bob Darling AAPS and Dennis Hughes


Join us for a hands-on camera experience as we explore and gain a greater understanding of the three components that are at the very essence of photography.

They are: Aperture / Shutter speed / ISO

If we adjust any one of these the three components in our camera, we will immediately affect the other two.

In this workshop we'll cover a variety of photographic scenarios, which will require the adjustment of camera settings to obtain the most preferred exposure.
To give us the most control over these settings, we will mainly be using the Manual setting on our cameras. If you do not generally use this setting, this workshop will give you a good overview.

We will find different areas within the park that will enable us to see why we would prioritise one of the three components over the other two. The timeframe of our photowalk will also give us a chance to observe the changing light conditions during day and how these impact on our camera settings. Our aim is to make this an interesting learning experience for all who attend.


Camera and Lenses
We'll be looking at a variety of different photographic scenarios. Bring a selection of lenses or zoom lens (e.g 24-70mms) plus any other lens you would like to use. A long lens may be useful as we will be photographing some birds during our walk.

Clean Memory Cards and Fully Charged Batteries

Filters ND Filters (Neutral Density) and any other filters you may like to use


Camera Manual Actual booklet or a digital version your phone

Personal Requirements
- Wear Club membership name tag and lanyard
- Appropriate clothing for the weather on the day, wear closed shoes.
- Bring water and snacks

Workshop will go ahead rain, hail or shine.

Date Sunday 26th June
Start 1.45pm for a 2.00pm start
Finish 5.30pm
Cost $10.00 per person
Place Capalaba Regional Park, Pittwin Rd N, Capalaba.
Meet In the Shelter adjacent to the carpark once inside


Friday - 23rd June
Image Critiques > Australian Portrait
With Rob Heyman

This evening we have a special evening scheduled to hear from Rob Heyman and his image critiques of our 'Australian Portraits'.

Rob has over 40 years of specialising in portraiture that reflects the essence of families. His current project relates to Australian farmers and their trials and tribulations through drought, fire, flood and virus.

He has earned over 70 Awards for portraiture resulting in being awarded Triple Master of Photography and the 2015 recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP).

Rob is a speaker and lecturer on portraiture and people photography with an emphasis on correct lighting techniques that flatter the subject. In addition to Australia, he has spoken at seminars and workshops in USA, New Zealand, Germany, Romania, Turkey, Greece.
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 19th June
Photographic Salvage and Pick Up
Available to 2023 financial Members Only


This is a great chance for members to clean out their shelves and cupboards of photographic gear and accessories that you no longer need or want.

We do have a tendency to hang on to items we no longer use that's in perfectly good condition but is not particularly saleable or worth spending the time to try to sell.

Members can pass on their gear to someone who'll use it, it's also a great opportunity (particularly) for newer photographers to pick up accessories to try out.

Details of what to bring / not bring is in the June Club Newsletter.


See June Club Newsletter for details



Monday - 19th June
Anne Pappalardo > Making a Winning Project



Tonight we welcome Anne Pappalardo who will talk to us about creating great print projects from our photos. Whether you are thinking about putting together a photo book to enter into this year's APS Photo Book Awards, or preparing a themed calendar for our club critique topic later in the year, Anne's presentation is sure to provide some great ideas and inspiration!

Anne is eminently qualified to speak on this topic, having been a prize winner in the APS Photo Book Awards in 2019 with her book "Any Given Thursday", in 2020 with "Amsterdam Rush Hour" and again in 2022 with "King of Kings Beach". Anne's triptych 'A New Place to Stay' won the Momento Pro Award in the 2021 APS Mullins Conceptual Photography Prize.

Anne will explain how you can plan a successful photo print project which will:
. reduce the overwhelm (yes, it's possible!)
. get you started (tips for breaking ground)
. get you finished (with a better outcome)
. and most importantly, have fun putting it together!

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments



Saturday - 27th May

1.30pm to 5pm
Workshop > INTERMEDIATE Lightroom For Beginners


Sunday - 21st May
The Exposure Triangle > Workshop
With Bob Darling AAPS and Dennis Hughes


Join us for a hands-on camera experience as we explore and gain a greater understanding of the three components that are at the very essence of photography.

They are: Aperture / Shutter speed / ISO

If we adjust any one of these the three components in our camera, we will immediately affect the other two.

In this workshop we'll cover a variety of photographic scenarios, which will require the adjustment of camera settings to obtain the most preferred exposure.
To give us the most control over these settings, we will mainly be using the Manual setting on our cameras. If you do not generally use this setting, this workshop will give you a good overview.

We will find different areas within the park that will enable us to see why we would prioritise one of the three components over the other two. The timeframe of our photowalk will also give us a chance to observe the changing light conditions during day and how these impact on our camera settings. Our aim is to make this an interesting learning experience for all who attend.


Camera and Lenses
We'll be looking at a variety of different photographic scenarios. Bring a selection of lenses or zoom lens (e.g 24-70mms) plus any other lens you would like to use. A long lens may be useful as we will be photographing some birds during our walk.

Clean Memory Cards and Fully Charged Batteries

Filters ND Filters (Neutral Density) and any other filters you may like to use


Camera Manual Actual booklet or a digital version your phone

Personal Requirements
- Wear Club membership name tag and lanyard
- Appropriate clothing for the weather on the day, wear closed shoes.
- Bring water and snacks

Workshop will go ahead rain, hail or shine.

Date Sunday 21st May
Start 2.45pm for a 3.00pm start
Finish 5.30pm
Cost $10.00 per person
Place Capalaba Regional Park, Pittwin Rd N, Capalaba.
Meet In the Shelter adjacent to the carpark once inside


Monday - 15th May
Rob Heyman > Australian Portrait


This evening we have the pleasure of hearing from Rob Heyman, master of portrait and people photography!

Rob has over 40 years of specialising in portraiture that reflects the essence of families. His current project relates to Australian farmers and their trials and tribulations through drought, fire, flood and virus.

He has earned over 70 Awards for portraiture resulting in being awarded Triple Master of Photography and the 2015 recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP).

Rob is a speaker and lecturer on portraiture and people photography with an emphasis on correct lighting techniques that flatter the subject. In addition to Australia, he has spoken at seminars and workshops in USA, New Zealand, Germany, Romania, Turkey, Greece.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Saturday - 13th May
APS Honours and Distinctions Group
Hosted by Pia Jessen


Refer to Club Email for Details



Saturday - 6th May

8.30am to 12.00
Workshop > Lightroom For Beginners


Monday - 1st May
Image Critiques > Industrial / Street Photography
With Dan Demy-Geroe EFIAP/b MAPS


Dan has been a keen photographer since the mid-1970s and a member of Mount
Gravatt Photographic Society in Brisbane since 1989.
He has been judging at local club, state and international levels since 2002.
He has been a member of the Australian Photographic Society since 2000 and currently
holds the GMAPS (APS Grand Master) and EFIAP/b (FIAP Excellence - Bronze)
photographic honours.

Dan began entering national photographic salons in 1991 and international
photographic salons in 2001. He still regularly enters international salons, mainly in
projected digital images, but has also entered in colour prints and monochrome prints.
Prior to 2008 he entered national and international salons in colour slides.

In 2018 Dan had an exhibition of his abstract photographic prints at Stanthorpe Regional
Art Gallery. He is interested in most areas of photography, but particularly landscape, travel,
photojournalism, people, nature, architecture and creative. In general, Dan appreciates
images that communicate a story or emotion and have good lighting and good visual

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 24th April
Presentation > This is Australia
with Ray Shorter FAPS

We have the privilege of travelling along with Ray Shorter on a delightful journey over this magnificent country of ours, Come along for a great night!

Over the past 16 years in my 4WD, I have travelled tens of thousands of kilometres through inland Australia, some areas being fairly remote. I will discuss and show images of several of the regions I have traversed … my personal perspectives of "This is Australia".
We will travel along some of the 'highways' constructed by Len Beadell and his outback road construction team, visit the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of WA, inland areas of the NT, SA and Qld, as well as parts of north Qld and the 'Cape'.
Ray Shorter Photography Bio
I have had an interest in photography since I was a schoolboy when I was able to buy my first camera (a Praktica SLR), a prelude to various bits of kit over the years, now a Canon mirrorless.

While at Uni, I had access to a darkroom and that started a love affair with black & white photography. Over the years, family and work travels meant that travel, landscape and wildlife genres predominated, although now with more time available I enjoy architecture, some portraiture and creative endeavours. I consider taking photos and post-processing as two parts of a continuous whole, trying to produce images with visual impact. Some examples are at www.shortershots.com.au

As an enthusiastic amateur photog, I have been a member of Queensland Camera Group (from 2012) and Brisbane Camera Group (from 2013) and am a Past-President of Brisbane Camera Group.
The camera club movement has been instrumental in improving my photography by learning with and from other members who share my passion for this wonderful activity.
Entering international comps has also been important in benchmarking my work and getting exposure to a wider range of judges.
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Sunday - 23rd April
APS Honours and Distinctions Group


Refer to Club Email for Details



Monday - 3rd April
Image Critiques > Flowers / Architecture
With Ben Stoffl EFIAP FAPS


We welcome Ben Stoffle back to the Redlands to critique our images : Flowers and Architecture. Being the son of a serious amateur photographer Ben grew up with photography, he got his first camera when he was 8 years old.
His father taught him darkroom techniques when he was a teenager and he considered myself a quite good photographer when I joined his local camera club in 1997 althouigh he concedes that - regarding photography - he learned most after that time.

Ben's favourite subjects have been landscape photography and using leading lines but
recently he is more inspired by street photography. He has successfully entered many national and international photographic competitions and has had his print work exhibited at various galleries.

Ben has been the president of the Gold Coast Photographic Society and later the
president of the Gympie Camera Club (both for four years).

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 20th March
Photographic Exhibitions and the APS Honours Pathway
Plus >
You be the Judge!
Presented by Paul Balfe FAPS

This presentation offers something for everyone, whether new to the world of photographic exhibitions and honours, or an awarded exhibitor already holding photographic distinctions.

This presentation covers different types of competitions, how they work and how exhibition results can be used to gain photographic honours. Paul will share his experience in working towards APS honours through the exhibition system. He describes his approach to important elements of the process including target-setting, preparation, organisation and record keeping, as well as sharing his thoughts on image selection and placement.

In the second half of the evening members will put themselves in the judge's shoes, critically evaluating and scoring a selection of images. The aim of this session is to assist exhibitors to better understand how the judging process works, and the implications when it comes to selecting and preparing their own images for exhibition.

Come along for an insightful evening to help you get started with the photographic honours pathway or better prepare if you've already begun.
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 6th March
Image Critiques > High Key / Animals

On this evening we have the pleasure of Dr Roy Killen critiquing our images. Roy is an amateur photographer living in Newcastle, NSW whose main interest is nature photography.

Roy has been competing in international competitions since 2008 and has received more than 8000 acceptances and more than 600 awards. Through these competitions he has gained high photographic distinctions : EFIAP : GMPSA/S : APSEM.

In 2015 he was awarded the Nature Medallion by the Australian Photographic Society for his contribution to nature photography, and he regularly judges competitions at Club, National and International levels.

Roy frequently presents workshops for photography clubs on photographic techniques and image processing. He is the Australian Membership Director for Photographic Society of America (PSA) and I is happy to assist with any PSA related matters.

Roy a life member of the Belmont 16s Photography Club.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Saturday - 25th February
Basic Photography Workshop
Steven Fraser

This Workshop is fully booked

Refer to Club Email for Details


Monday - 20th February
Photography in the Garden

Cheryl Mares APSEM FIAP/s


This presentation "Photography in the Garden", covers understanding of lighting, composition and use of complimentary colours.
It will include camera settings, using macro lenses and extension rings with ring flash. Macro images of flower inflorescences using UV light and other techniques for showcasing flowers and their attractiveness.

Cheryl Mares
As a child I spent time in our laundry, keeping photographic developing chemicals at 20ºC for my father. But my real interest in photography developed during my science working years with CSIRO and in 1979 I was awarded a Diploma of Photography.

In 2006 I applied for a job as a Photographer with Queensland Police Service, this position required that I upgrade my digital photography skills, which I completed through TAFE. In 2009 I joined Australian Photographic Society (APS) and became involved with the Brisbane Camera Group and this is when my skills really improved.

In 2021 after progressing through the various APS levels and achieving my Grand Masters I was very pleased to gain my Exhibitors Medal from APS and hold EFIAP/Silver. So, I have been competing for quite some time.

My genre is nature photography, covering macro and landscape but specialising in bird photography.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 6th February
Image Critiques > Black and White
With Paul Tilley FAPS PSQA

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Saturday - 4th February
Photography Day Outing


Refer to Club Email for Details

Saturday - 21st January
High Key and Low Key Photography
With Arik Gorban (New Jersey, USA)

The Redlands Camera Club is delighted to present Arik Gorban beaming in from New Jersey, USA to us!

High-key and low-key photography styles utilise lighting and exposure techniques to create moody and more expressive photographs. Different types of mood can be expressed by controlling light and shadows, brightness and contrast, and light direction and quality.

In this program, Arik defines high-key and low-key photography styles, discusses the characteristics and effects of each style, shares lighting and shooting techniques for creating high-key and low-key pictures, and demonstrates some simple post processing techniques to fine tune the pictures. Examples of high-key and low-key pictures shared in the presentation cover various types of subjects, including portraiture, still life, architecture, flowers, and street.

While lighting and advanced post processing techniques may allow for a wider range of
high-key and low-key photo opportunities, most of the techniques and examples shared in this presentation are simple and do not require advanced equipment or post processing skills.

Introducing Arik Gorban
Arik Gorban is a photographer and photography instructor who focuses on the creative aspects of the photographic art form. He is an active speaker in camera clubs including special presentations for the Cosmopolitan Chapter of P.S.A. and the N.J. Federation of Camera Clubs Conference.

He has over 40 years experience in the complete photographic process, including analog photography, darkroom work, and extensive digital imaging. His digital imaging experience includes over 25 years of using Photoshop and other digital imaging applications.

He frequently judges photo competitions, including multiple international Salon exhibitions, presents on photography, and exhibits his fine art photography. He also photographs events and conducts photography workshops with a focus on the creative aspects of photography. Arik’s street photography workshops are conducted in New York City and Philadelphia. He was the curator of the Small Town in Black and White Photography exhibit at the Hamilton Street Gallery in Bound Brook, NJ and a judge for multiple juried exhibits throughout the state.

Arik Gorban is the recipient of numerous awards in photo contests and his work has been published in the US and internationally. Arik’s photographs have been displayed in multiple exhibits in the Alfa Art Gallery, as well as in other galleries and libraries in New Jersey.

Date Saturday 21st January
Place Online with Zoom
Time 9.55am for a 10am start (Brisbane, Australia time)
Entry Registration via Trybooking is required - LINK will be emailed to members
Your Zoom link will be emailed to you on the day before the event - Friday 20th January.
The link will be sent to the email address you use to register on Trybooking.

Monday - 16th January
Monochrome Photography
With Paul Tilley FAPS PSQA


Paul's presentation starts by looking at 'Why' - in this world of colour - we still produce 'Monochrome' images. We then look at the process of image selection as well as capturing images with monochrome processing in mind. From there, I will go through my processing approach, using Silver FX Pro, to not only create Monochrome images, but also how we can use them to provide different looks to colour images. Throughout the presentation, many examples are used, to not only illustrate the concepts and processing, but also to show what does and doesn't work.

Paul will also bring a number of prints for members to view, to see the importance using varied and different print papers.

*Submit Photos for Monochrome Image Critiques tonight

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Tuesday - 6th December
End of Year Party!
Image Critique Award Presentation > A / AB / B Grades,
Trophy Awards, Hunt and Shoot Prizes!
Members Only
Place Trinity Uniting Church at 47-49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Bring A Plate of Goodies to share
Entry No fee, Members only

Monday - 21st November
What Makes a Winning Bird Image
With Cheryl Mares APSEM FIAP/s

Cheryl's presentation will cover basic understanding of bird behaviours, camera lenses and settings, lighting techniques for different situations and equipment.

She will also present some of her volunteer work with Save the Gouldian Finch, the science, it's progress and understanding the challenges these attractive little birds face.

The evening will finish the with a beautiful audio-visual of birds in the Wyndham region of WA.

Cheryl Mares
"As a child I spent time in our laundry, keeping photographic developing chemicals at 20ºC for my father. But my real interest in photography developed during my science working years with CSIRO and in 1979 I was awarded a Diploma of Photography.

In 2006 I applied for a job as a Photographer with Queensland Police Service, this position required that I upgrade my digital photography skills, which I completed through TAFE.
In 2009 I joined Australian Photographic Society (APS) and became involved with the Brisbane Camera Group and this is when my skills really started developing.
In 2021 after progressing through the various APS levels and achieving my Grand Masters I was very pleased to gain my Exhibitors Medal from APS and hold EFIAP/Silver. So, I have been competing for quite some time. I have just been involved with judging the Australian Digital Photographic Awards for 2022.

My genre is nature photography, covering macro and landscape but specialising in bird photography and their environments.

I have 2 personal interests with birds:
No. 1 is in the conservation and protection of threatened bird species - Gary Fitt and I run "Save the Gouldian Fund".
This involves assisting with research projects on the Gouldian Finch and conducting an annual count of Finches in the Kimberley near Wyndham WA.

No. 2 interest is breeding finches for showing at State and National level.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 7th November
Image Critiques > Calendar Themed
With Paul Tilley FAPS

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Sunday - 30th October
Hunt and Shoot > With Sam Fernando AAPS

Date Sunday 30th October
Time 8.00am start until 12.30pm
Cost $10.00
Register Register via Trybooking at www.trybooking.com/979309


Proudly presented by the Redlands Camera Club

The new 2022 photographic exhibition showcases our fascinating world through the eyes of our photographic artists in the form of a series of themed displays.

The restrictions of the past few years has provided many individual artists the opportunity to draw on local subject matter and many different types of photography ranging from stunning pet photography to the wondrous heavens above.
From Brisbane by night to the world of high-speed water drop photography, enjoy the natural environment of beautiful K'gari Island to seeing marvelous scenic landscapes through to Brisbane street protest marches. Scannography showcases an alternative method of capturing everyday objects and a photographic quilt displays one photographer's imagination.

Join us to view this delightful series of themed exhibits during the month of October at the Dunn Wing Exhibition Area at the Redland Museum.

When Open for viewing until Monday 31st October
Place Redland Museum > 60 Smith Street, Cleveland
Time 10am to 3.30pm Open 7 Days




Monday - 17th October
Social Documentary
With Adam Robert Young


Social documentary photography has been a driving force behind social change for over a century. Adam Robert Young will share the history of social documentary, along with how it differs from similar photographic genres.
He will also share tips on how to "do" social documentary, with examples from his own work in the field.

Adam Robert Young specialises in social documentary photography and film and is also known for his street photography. He has worked on documentary projects for a range of clients including NGOs, regional councils and universities locally and internationally.
While working as staff photographer for a lifestyle magazine in Ho Chi Minh City, Young was commissioned to produce his first photobook Saigon Panorama, which captures everyday life in the Vietnamese city. He completed a Master of Arts in Visual Arts at the Queensland College of Art in 2017, where he has also worked as a sessional tutor, and is currently completing a PhD that revolves around collaborative documentary practices.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


This Event is Fully Booked
Image Critiques > Street Photography / Reflections
With Neville Male

  This Event is Fully Booked
Place Redland Museum > 60 Smith Street, Cleveland
Time 6.30pm


Monday - 19th September
Creative Photo Art
With Carol Robinson

Join Carol on this evening as she works through the steps of artistically processing a photo, then increasing the complexity by using two images to finally arrive with an image that combines 80 different components.
Carol will demonstrate the power of using Photoshop layers and masking to achieve her creative images!

"I have been doing photography for eleven years and will dabble in all genres of photography. After buying a Camera for a holiday, I decided to join the Gold Coast Photographic Society 10 years ago, and I have been on the club committee for 9 of those years.

I was told by someone in the club to buy a program call Photoshop because that was the way to go. Not knowing anything about the program I tried to teach myself Lightroom and Photoshop at the same time. In the end I found the Lightroom cataloguing too much, and knowing I wanted to do art in photography I dumped Lightroom, and concentrated on Photoshop.

I have always been an Artist of some sort doing Porcelain Art, which I ended up teaching, Water Colours, Oils, Pen and Ink and Silk painting. As a child I always had a pencil in my hand dabbling away.

I am self taught, so the way I do things, might not be the way others do it. After learning the basics I started to do composites. I always start out keeping it minimalist but then I add this and I add that .. Maybe one day I'll learn to keep it simple!"

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Monday 5th to Fri 9th September 2022
Fraser Island > K'gari Photo Tour!

K'gari > Fraser Island Photography Tour
With Pia Jessen


We are very excited to be going back to K'gari in September 2022!
You are invited to come along to experience this fascinating
destination to the very beautiful Fraser Island,
traditionally named K'gari.

K'gari is the world's largest sand island stretching over 123 kilometres in length
and 22 kilometres at its widest point. The Rainforest grows right out of the sands and there are over 40 freshwater lakes.

Fraser Island's World Heritage listing ranks it with Australia's Uluru, Kakadu and the Great Barrier Reef. K'gari Fraser Island is a precious part of Australia's natural and cultural heritage, it is protected for all to appreciate and is a photographers paradise!


Details has been emailed to Members



Monday 5th September
Image Critiques > Long Exposure and ICM
With Keith Seidel MAPS EFIAP

Our Next Image Critique will be Long Exposure and ICM. We're very pleased to welcome Keith Seidel to critique our images!

Keith Seidel is an Australian photographer with a significant portfolio of internationally exhibited and awarded work. His work has been exhibited in 40 countries and his photographs have been published in photographic anthologies and exhibition catalogues in many of those countries.

Keith specialises in fine art landscapes with added forays into minimalism, nature and photo travel. Keith’s primary exhibition media are prints - monochrome and colour - always self printed.

“A photograph is not truly a photograph until it has been printed”

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments

Friday 12th August
Birds of Prey Experience with Greg Sullavan
The BEST Bird of Prey Training Workshop!
Please refer to Club Newsletter


Monday - 1st August
Image Critiques > Minimalism
With Graeme Watson EFIAP/d2 APSEM

Our Next Image Critique will be Minimalism and we're very pleased to welcome Graeme Watson to critique our images!

Graeme is a retired pharmacist living in Canberra and has been a member of the Australian Photographic Society since 1963. He has been on the Management Committee of APS as Junior Vice President and Senior Vice President and has also been chairman of the APS Nature Division. He is also a current member of the Exhibition Services Sub Committee of APS.

Graeme's first love in photography was as a monochrome print worker working mainly the area of theatre photography. He has had three exhibitions of theatre photography mounted in Canberra. Apart from working in monochrome Graeme has a great interest in photographing nature, sport and travel and he is a keen street photographer.

Over the years Graeme has acted as a judge and lecturer at local club level as well as judging competitions for interstate clubs the Australian Photographic Society. Graeme has also been included on the judging panels of Australian National exhibitions as well as Australian and overseas Internationals.

He has been competing in National and International salons since 2007 and in that time has amassed over 11,000 acceptances in 55 countries and been awarded over 900 international awards, 125 of which were in nature exhibitions.

Graeme currently holds the honours and distinctions of APSEM (Exhibitor's Medal) from the Australian Photographic Society, has been awarded the distinction of Master 2nd level of the Photographic Society of America (MPSA2) and the EFIAP/d2 level from the International Federation of Photographic Art in Europe.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 18th July
Winter in Japan > Tina Dial

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Sunday - 17th July
Adobe Lightroom Classic Workflow & Editing Workshop
With Greg Sullavan

Adobe Lightroom Classic Workflow
& Editing Workshop

Are you ready to move beyond beginner level Lightroom?
This course is aimed at those who want to further their understanding of how to use the program to its full potential.

In this group workshop, Greg Sullavan take you through the 'end to end' workflow process from importing to exporting.

Date Sunday 17th July
Time 9.30am for a 10.00am Start
Reg Refer to Club Email for registration details


Monday - 4th July
Image Critiques > Portrait / Silhouette


Monday 4th July

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Saturday - 2nd July
Image Analysis Workshop > With Heidi Stover

Date Saturday 2nd July
Time 8.00am
Online Online Event
Reg Refer to Club Email for details
Contact Pia Jessen


Monday - 20th June
Presentation > Creative Photography Processes
With Sue Gordon


We're very pleased to welcome Sue Gordon back to Redalnds Camera Club!
Sue's presentation explores creative and alternative ways of presenting photography such as salt printing, eco printing using plants, Lumen Prints, unusual papers and unusual surfaces. She loves experimenting with combinations of creative processes.

"Art and photography have been a passion most of my life though never seriously pursued either until recent years. I have worked casually as a portrait and event photographer, as well as exhibiting and selling my fine art photography.

I enjoy landscapes mostly, and capturing the details of things as well as experimenting with different creative styles. I joined my local camera club in 2012 to move beyond my photographer's block which I found myself in. I quickly joined the club committee and became involved with The Photographic Society of Queensland as well. This led to speaking and judging opportunities which I find challenging and fulfilling."


Monday 20th June

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 6th June
Image Critiques > CREATIVE & ACTION
With Helen Walker

Helen Walker MPSA
Helen is a recognised artist and an experienced national and international photography judge.

She is a passionate nature photographer with strong interests in monochrome and creative photography. Having travelled extensively, she believes the key to great photography is the ability to capture that decisive moment in wonderful distinctive light.

Helen enjoys the creative outlet that photography allows and when judging, she looks for the personal vision that each photographer brings to their work.


Monday 6th June

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Sunday - 5th June

8.30am to 11.30am
Workshop > Lightroom Beginner

Sunday - 5th June
12.00pm to 3.00pm
Workshop > Darktable Post Processing


Wednesday - 1st June
Coochiemudlo Island Day Outing > RCC Club Members

Please refer to Club Email for details


Sunday - 29th May
Infrared Field Trip > With Dan Hillier

Please refer to Club Email for details


Astro Photography Workshop

Saturday 28th May

Refer to Club Email for Details



Monday - 16th May
Presentation > The Journey to Produce a Body of Work
With Louis Lim


Louis Lim is a Meanjin (Brisbane) based photographer and bookmaker whose
work explores the diversity in human conditions, specifically those that are
under-represented in mainstream media. His practice focuses on non-fictional visual storytelling and conceptual photographic portraits and artist book making.

Louis's work has been exhibited in several Australia galleries and presented internationally.
He was awarded the Queensland Festival of Photography Portrait Prize 2012 and was shortlisted as a finalist in 2019 Bowness Photography Prize, 2017 Churchie National Emerging Art Award and 2015 Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award.

His artist book is also in the collection of British Library, National Library of Australia, State Libraries of Victoria and Queensland, Museum of Brisbane, and others.
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 2nd May
Image Critiques > TEXTURES & MACRO
With Craig Parker MPSA BPSA EFIAP/g APSEM/b


Craig's interest in photography became more serious when he joined a local Camera Club in 2008 to learn and improve his photography. As well as competing with success he served in roles as Secretary and President and ran workshops for other members.

To date in Internationals Craig has over 3000 acceptances and over 200 awards, including 31 Gold Medals, across Nature, Travel, Photojournalism, Colour and Monochrome.
A member of Australian Photographic Society since 2009 Craig received the skill-based honour of APS Exhibitor's Medal/Bronze (APSEM/b) in 2021 through the exhibition system and received EFIAP/g in 2021.

Craig is also a member of the Photographic Society of America gaining the honour of Master (MPSA) in 2017 and the Bronze Portfolio Honour in 2018. Craig served with PSA as Photojournalism Star Ratings Director for five years and has recently taken up the role of Chair Ethics Investigation Team.

Craig regularly judges at Club, National and International levels.


Monday 2nd May

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 18th April
Presentation > Infrared and UV Photography
With Dan Hillier


Infrared (IR) and Ultraviolet (UV) Photography
IR and UV photography opens up exciting new worlds for photographers to explore!

In this presentation, we'll look at the art of IR and UV photography and discuss how we can capture images that are outside the visible spectrum on our cameras.
Equipment, camera settings, post processing, subject choices and neon body paint will all be covered by Dan this evening.

Please read club email for more information that includes what to bring and wear on the night.

** This is a Members-Only evening unless prior arrangements have been made with the program organiser - Pia Jessen **
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Bring Your Camera and Lens (mid-range focal range)
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 4th April
Image Critiques > Photo Books
With Lisa Kurtz and Pia Jessen EFIAP/g GMAPS SAPS

This is the second year running that we've had Photo Books on our club program and we're looking forward to seeing everyone's creations and hearing feedback from our two judges!

Working as a bank branch manager
and fraud investigator Pia transistioned into graphic design and multimedia in 1999.
Pia's passion for photography began as an extension of her work which blossomed when she joined the Redlands Camera Club in 2008.

Pia has earned high distinctions and recognition in International Photographic Exhibitions worldwide and has had her work exhibited locally and internationally.

Pia regularly judges National and International Salons and enjoys all genres of photography and is particularly passionate about adventure travel photography, People and Nature.
  Lisa Kurtz

Bachelor of Photography, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University.

Lisa is a Brisbane-based photographer, whose work explores concepts of memory, place and time.

Lisa has been a finalist in the Clayton Utz Art Awards, Head On Photo Awards, Olive Cotton Award for Photographic Portraiture, and the Milburn and Lethbridge Landscape Prizes.

Lisa teaches Contemporary Photomedia at
CQU and has a passion for encouraging photographers to be open to new ideas about the medium.


Monday 4th March

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 21st March
Presentation > Food Photography
With Fran Flynn


On this evening we have the absolute pleasure of introducing
Fran Flynn, Food and Product Photographer. Fran will teach and show us how effective a simple shot can be, and how to avoid avoid over-complicating things. We'll see some of her tantalising food imagery, hear her stories and tips, and in the second part of the evening we'll see Fran demonstrate in a live photography session!

Food photography, food styling and recipe book design and production are a real passion for Fran. There is a significant amount of artistry and creativity involved in orchestrating all the elements to make a great food photo. Selecting ingredients, food preparation, food styling, prop styling, selecting backgrounds & fabrics, producing great lighting and optimal angles - it can take a full team to produce the best shots. It may appear easy, but there is a significant measure of time and skill involved. Come along to learn some insights and tips to improve your food photography!

Fran Flynn >
I am a qualified and practising commercial photographer, graphic designer, illustrator, cook book producer and educator with a lot of experience. (and I'm not keen to add up exactly how many years!)
As a lifelong creative, I'm passionate about producing beautiful images that effectively convey lifestyle, flavours, emotions and (importantly!) generate sales.

I regularly taught in-person workshops in photography & styling for Le Cordon Bleu Australia-wide and also photography & graphic design for the SAE Educational Institute, before offering education independently.
Teaching is hugely rewarding for me. There's nothing greater than seeing a student feeling inspired and fulfilled - with an obvious sense of achievement - that I have helped to facilitate.

We look forward to a special evening and hope to see you all there!

Fran's clients include household names.
Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Monday - 7th March
Image Critiques > Nature / Underwater
With Dan Demy-Geroe EFIAP MAPS

Members Submit PhotoBook
This is our first image critique in which members had a choice of which subject to submit their images into and we're very pleased to welcome Dan Demy-Geroe who will provide valuable insights and feedback on our images!

Dan Demy-Geroe > BIO

I first became passionate about photography about 40 years ago after travelling in New Zealand and Australia; and after a friend introduced me to projected colour slides taken with an SLR camera.
My first SLR camera was a Konica T3n purchased in 1976 followed by a Nikon FE in 1980. I have been using Nikon equipment for my main cameras since then. I worked with colour slides for competition for many years as well as some monochrome and colour print work. Since 2004 I have mainly worked with digital projected images and more recently digital prints.

Most areas of photography interest me including landscape, social documentary, street, photojournalism, travel, nature, people, creative and architecture.
My current major interests are in travel photography and abstract close-ups.
I am particularly drawn to images featuring natural beauty, story-telling potential, good lighting and good design. I was a manager in the Queensland Government before retiring in late 2012.
I have travelled widely in Australia and many other countries, particularly in the last ten to fifteen years. Since retiring I have devoted more time to photography, travel and other leisure activities.

I enjoy judging and try to offer helpful and constructive advice to fellow photographers.

I have been a member of the Australian Photographic Society since 2000. I have been a successful entrant and exhibitor in international salons since 2001 and entered Australian national salons from 1991. In 2006 I was awarded my FAPS honour by APS and my AFIAP honour in 2013.


Monday 7th March

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Saturday - 5th March
Beginners Photography Workshop
Steven Fraser


Refer to Club Email for Details



Sunday - 27th February
Workshop > Darktable Post Processing
With Alex Delaforce

See Club Newsletter for details


Monday - 21st February
Presentation > Underwater Photography
With Norbert Trewin


What a treat this presentation will be as Norbert takes us under the sea to a whole other, magical world! Not to be missed!

Norbert will give a little bit of background information about the logistics and challenges of underwater photography and the fun you can have with it of course.
Then he will take us on an underwater journey using various cameras and types of underwater lighting. We will enjoy the sights and creatures, macro and wide angle ... without even getting wet

Norbert Trewin
"From my childhood on, I had a keen interest in the underwater world.
I can clearly recall reading books by Hans Hass and Jacques-Yves Cousteau which an auntie of mine had on her bookshelf.

Germany, my native country, is not the best place to start scuba diving, so I had to wait until I was 39 years old and lived in Australia then finally a dream came true.
In the year 2000 my wife Merrin and I started together and instantly fell in love with the weightless feeling and fascinating world of inner space.

Another year went by before I purchased my first underwater camera Olympus Z 5050 in a cheap underwater housing and my love of photography (limited to underwater at this point) took off.
Merrin and I simply could not get enough of diving and we visited many fascinating places ,such as Papua, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Red Sea.

In 2007 I was offered a 3 year contract to work in the United Kingdom.
We loved living in England and made the most of our time by traveling all over the UK and mainland Europe.
I was in search of a new hobby since diving wasn't so front and center.
So in 2008 on a trip to Belgium I purchased my first DSLR (Nikon D-90) and my passion for landscape photography was born.

After returning to Australia in 2010, I had to wait another 4 years until I could finally afford a second hand underwater housing for my then Nikon D800 and the rest, as they say is History."

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments
....... Plus .......

Monday - 21st February
Photographic Salvage and Pick Up
Available to 2022 financial RCC Members Only


See Club Newsletter for details



Monday 7th February
Image Critiques > Open With Tina Dial EFIAP/s GMAPS

Members Submit image for Nature / Underwater

Tina has been a passionate Photographer for over 10 years. She equally loves taking photos in her studio or out on location. Tina has her own pet photography business, and a love for bird and sports photography. Her interests include most genres of photography.

Tina is a member of the Ipswich Photographic Society and the Australian Photographic Society. She is a successful competitor in International Exhitions, winning many awards and serves as a judge in both National and International competitions and local camera clubs.

Place Trinity Uniting Church, 49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point.
Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Entry $3.00 at door, includes light refreshments


Sunday - 30th January
Nocturnal Field Trip with Pia Jessen
Available to 2022 Members Only


See Club Email for details


Wednesday - 19th January
Field Trip > Nocturnal Rainforest Photography
With Pia Jessen and Meg Forbes
Details in Club Newsletter

Monday - 17th January
Presentation > FUNGI Macro Photography
With Brian Russell EFIAP FAPS
This will be our first night back at club and what a great way to kick start 2022!
We're very pleased to welcome Brian Russell EFIAP FAPS presenting on the topic of fungi photography!

About Brian Russell
"Having a deep interest in Natural History from an early age, photography provided a mechanism to pursue that passion. Bird photography and macro photography seemed to be the two genres that really attracted my attention and have held my fascination for over forty years. I was introduced to fungi photography in the early eighties and have since spent many hours in the rainforests of the Lamington Plateau, Springbrook and Mt Glorious in search of the perfect group or specimen. No one day in search of fungi is ever the same.

Fungi photography is one area that lends itself to the technique of image stacking to achieve a greater depth of field than could ever be achieved with a single image. Having commenced fungi photography with a single image on film I am in awe of the technology we have to day in our digital cameras.

I have been a member of the Australian Photographic Society since 1982 and successfully competed both Nationally and Internationally. Having judged at a national level since the late eighties and I have had the honour of being invited onto international judging panels for over the last ten years.

I have presented at both local and interstate photographic clubs as well as the Australian Photographic Society Conferences, in nature of course. After joining the Australian Photographic Society Nature Council in 2013 I now have the privilege of being chair of that group."

Time 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start
Where Trinity Uniting Church, 47-49 Marlborough Road, Wellington Point
cost $3.00 at door inlcudes light refreshment

Saturday - 1st January
Outing > First Sunrise of 2022 > All Welcome!

Time 4.30am
Where Meet at Wellington Point Reserve (Near Jetty)
Bring Camera / Wide Angle Lens / Tripod / Remote or Cable Release
  Thermos with Coffee/tea and snacks to share afterward (optional).


All images contained in this website are copyrighted by the respective photographers.

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